I’m good enough, smart enough….

Not unlike Stuart Smalley, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me” seems to resonate.

I have different type of mantra, something to the likes of; I can do this, shake it off-shake it off, suck it up and move on, it is not the end of the world….with a sprinkle of, shaking the hands to keep circulation flowing, and possibly pacing in circles, it can be quite a show I imagine.

For some, sleep seems to be an issue, but I am one of those annoying people that sleeps though the zombie apocalypse and then some.

Big Day Ahead

It’s the night before an important event: a big exam, a major presentation, your wedding. How do you calm your nerves in preparation for the big day?

5 thoughts on “I’m good enough, smart enough….

  1. Pingback: Big Day Ahead | Blogged With Words

  2. Well aside from Wine…1–5 glasses. I try to not think about the big day. I try to stay occupied. A good movie, reading sometimes helps. Reading and watching a movie..with wine.

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