Tarot Focus: October 31st

This is a beautiful way to remember how insignificant we all are, to appreciate those who lived before us, and move forward into the new year unsullied.

Solitary Witchin: Life and Witchery in the 21st Century

2 The High Priestess Sm

Happy Samhain/Halloween, everyone! Today’s focus is on The High Priestess whom opens herself to the sky. She basks in the radiance the stars cast upon her. She soaks in that incandescent light, feeling it glow within her mind, in turn opening corridors and dancing into filigree patterns.

The stars chant:
We were here when the mountains were young
and the sea was only a dream…
we’ve seen the hills bloom with countless millions of seasons…
we’ve watched the clouds paint their visions
in a slow language across the centuries…
let us speak.

The High Priestess lifts her arms outward, and in that gesture, her very body becomes the living symbol of a chalice. The owl near her is a keeper of knowledge, and bears a key to unlock mysteries. The pomegranate is an icon of Persephone, who tasted the seeds and thus bound herself to Hades; it is a fruit…

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2 thoughts on “Tarot Focus: October 31st

Give it to me straight....I can take it